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Four years. Four years later. And still I struggle. Not every day. But enough.

The reminders that won’t let me forget.

Seeing my daughter doing the things my son should have been doing four years ago. Climbing, running, not needing to hold the walls to walk down the hallway as he did at the end.

The surgical scar on the back of my son’s neck echoed in the scar on my soul.

The checkups, though now yearly, renew my fears… what if

When does this end? When do I get closure?

When it’s been five years since the tumor was successfully removed? When my son gets to go to prom like the diagnosing neurologist essentially promised us? Or goes to college? Gets his first job? Gets married? Has kids of his own?

Do I get closure? Or is closure bullshit?

Yes, it does get easier. Yes, I’ve gone on with my life. But some days (most days?) I’m not convinced it’ll ever really be over, that the door on this chapter of my life will ever really close. Rather I feel that this chapter is just beginning and it’s a long one.

I try to console myself, thinking it’s okay to feel this way, that it never ends. I can be okay with that. Right?

And yet… And so… this is where I am left… my son is alive and well. Why can’t I let go of the past?

Why won’t it let go of me?